05 Februari 2011

the police theory

galau emang gak ada matinya.. dan dari sejuta cara heart recovery therapy, cuma ada dua cara yg paling ampuh.. pertama --> "tahu".. ya! you ought to know things which makes you galau.. what exactly happened.. other may hide some fact from you.. but before you success knowing it, galau will never ends.. just find it soon.. find the answer.. the cause.. the keyword.. and yes I've got the answer.. but my galau hasn't end yet.. so I need the second one --> "best friend" someone who will tell you everything about the truth... fact.. reality.. the real things which exactly happened.. not only shadow nor posibility..
and he gave me this police theory..

hmmh... fyi, I have problem with remembering anything.. so before this theory fly goes by the wind, I want to write it on.. as a reminder for me and extended information for you.. :)


ini kaya lagi berusaha nyembuhin lu dari adiksi ya..
inget, lu kan mahal..

iya, biasanya aku emang mahal..
tapi sekarang aku lagi diskon.. obraal deh obraaall....

gak boleh! lu harus tetep mahal!
inget misi lu..

inget koook.. tp sekarang lagi lupa..
huaaaaa...... x'((

I'll give you the magic words..
tapi sebelumnya gue mau tanya..
apa yang menyebabkan seseorang ditilang di jalan tol?

lewat bahu jalan?



yes! speeding man..
seseorang akan ditilang di jalan tol karena dia terlalu ngebut
and you know, di ujung sana selalu ada polisi yang menunggu
si polisi tau pasti akan ada yang melanggar lalu lintas dan ditilang
jadi dia tunggu dan nunggu seharian
sampe bosen

jadi, dia polisi dan dia lagi nunggu aku untuk ngebut?
kalo misalnya aku gak ngebut, dia ngapain dong jadinya?

no! but you the police
you are the police in waiting
fortunately in fact, selalu ada pengemudi yang ngebut di jalan tol dan ditilang
si pengemudi pasti akan ketemu si polisi
he's driving as fast as he can do
dia pengen cepet2 sampe tujuan
dan dia kena tilang sama lu


he will come to you
he's on his way

kalo misalnya ada yang ngebut tapi aku gamau nilang, gimana?

nope! you'll take it
it's your job


hmmmh.. I mean the right speeding man
your "one"

I love this police theory
thank you..

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