31 Desember 2013

lesson to learn.. #2013

years changing, life changing, people changing, everything changing.. 
some of them are changing into a better one and some are just becoming worst. some are look like in a stable way, but they must be changing too. they're just not showed it up. 

in a few moment, 2013 will turning to 2014. 
from families, friends, co workers and all the people around, I learned..

` don't act as if you're the victim of anything. it only makes people put a pity to you. 

` don't pretend as if you don't need anyone. you live a social life. you'll never know when it comes for you to need a help.

` don't runaway from reality. you may looks happy for a moment, but you can't lie to yourself that what you truly feel is an emptyness.

` open your heart. be welcome. life is not only about family and friends. just like the coffee, you need a mate!

many lesson to learn, but the most lesson I've learned; life is not only about you, what you think, what you do. so don't act as if you're good. because in fact, you're not that good.. 

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